Friday, March 25, 2011

The BIG day :)

We finally got to meet Sajel on March 24th around 12:20pm. Boy does she have a set of lungs! She was not quite as happy to see us as we were to see her, but she settled down quickly enough. She is very attatched to her house mother and has been running a fever with some congestion for the last couple of she wasn't feeling her best. After I picked her up, she cried for a minute and then held on for dear life  :)  One by one, all the other kids at the orphanage came in  and gathered around. They were all very interested in my toe nail polish (I had a french manicure), but their attention was quickly diverted by Marcus' phone and the digital camera! We spent some time walking around the facility and meeting all the house mothers as well as taking lots of pictures. The kids were thrilled to play photographer for us and also posed for a lot of pictures. There are approximately 125 kids (of all ages) at the orphanage and they are all much loved.We were also able to take some photos for some waiting families. During all of this, Sajel just held on tight and had an occasional cry. We met the "Big Auntie" (the lady who runs the place); we asked her some questions and she had a few for us as well. We left with Sajel after very little paper work or formality. All the  kids were waving goodbye as we drove away (sniff, sniff). Sajel slept most of the afternoon and evening. She had a temperature and was refusing drink or food. I actually started forcing some apple juice and water down her. We all slept through our first night together, with me waking up every few hours :) The next morning I started to really worry because she hadn't soiled her diaper ( the nurse in me had her in renal failure!). Finally, after more juice I felt better to finally have a wet diaper to change! Today she seems a little better, but still isn't really eating much. She is getting more and more comfortable with us, although you can tell she is scared
 :(  We took a trip to the Big Bizare (Indian Walmart) today and purchased some formula, cereal and diapers and took them to the orphanage. Big Auntie was very impressed with our quick return with supplies! Now we are resting in our room and preparing to leave for Goa in the morning. Wishing you all well.....Sajel's Mom :)

1 comment:

  1. CHEERS & APPLAUSE for Mommy Jessica! And BIG HUGS! (this laughing and crying is exhausting... in a great way)OXOXOXO
