Sunday, April 24, 2011

Delhi - April 24, 2011

     Happy Easter everyone! We are here in Delhi, relaxing and enjoying the day. Marcus has found a kabob restaurant we may try tonight. I caught him staring at a picture of a steak on the Internet! I laughed so hard, I was crying! Poor guy- he's so over lamb and keeps asking "where's the beef?". He said he misses his dogs and can't wait to get home and cook some meat curry :)
     This week we went to Agra to see the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. There really are no words to describe the Taj. I'm so glad we were able to go and experience it. Marcus went when he was 11, but I think he appreciated it much more this time. Don't worry- we have many, many photos! The drive there was about 4 hours- we left at 7am. We did stop halfway and had tea and snacks at a hotel/ shop. Sajel slept most of the drive and was an angel while we walked around in the heat and posed for photo after photo. We also went to a marble shop to see how the detail work is done (it is still done by hand today). Next, we drove by the Agra fort and took a few pictures (we needed to feed Sajel so we didn't walk thru). Lunch was next. Marcus had "the best lamb curry I've ever tasted" and Sajel and I enjoyed naan and bhindi curry. The drive home was also 4 hours (it felt like 8!).I really enjoyed the scenery. I saw camels,an elephant, monkeys, tractors, rickshas and lots of people and traffic! Sajel slept about half the time and seemed to enjoy the car ride the other half. She likes the constant bouncing around and also enjoyed the scenery. She was laughing and having a good time the last hour or so of our drive. We are so lucky; 2 year old + 8 hours in car + heat should = disaster!
     Friday, Marcus called to see if there was any new news on the passport. They still had not received it and Friday and Saturday = NO MAIL! AHHHHH! So now we are still waiting, waiting, waiting. We went to Red Fort in Old Delhi on Friday evening and were attacked by an army of mosquitos- the Fort's defenses were no match! Needless to say....we did not stay long. The highlight, for me, was the bicycle rickshas ride to the Fort. WOW! Sajel also loved it- she was laughing and seemed right at home :). We also went to TGI Fridays on Friday. The music was playing loudly and Sajel was dancing in her seat! She had a great time and so did we :)  Saturday we relaxed- nothing too exciting.
     Our next move will be on Tuesday. We are leaving for Rajastan to see the Pink City on elephants and go to Rathambore Park for a safari! We will return to Delhi on Saturday and hope for some news of a passport. Internet access will be limited for this next trip, but I'll post an update on our return. I love you all....hoping to return home soon......Love, Sajel's Mom

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